Acting Prosecutor General Borislav Sarafov held a meeting with the British Minister for Immigration Robert Jenrick and a delegation headed by him

13 Ноември 2023 г.

Today, 13.11.2023, Acting Prosecutor General Borislav Sarafov held a meeting with the British Minister for Immigration Robert Jenrick and a delegation headed by him. The British Ambassador H.E. Rob Dixon also took part in the meeting at the Palace of Justice.

On the Bulgarian side in the conversation took part Maria Pavlova, Deputy Prosecutor General at the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor's Office, Elena Karakasheva, Deputy Prosecutor General at the Supreme Administrative Prosecutor's Office and prosecutor Vanya Stefanova, Head of Specialized Department at the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor’s Office.

In the course of the talks were discussed the challenges facing national and partner services in Europe, such as irregular migration caused by regional and local military conflicts and the accompanying cross-border crime

Borislav Sarafov emphasized the key role of Bulgaria for the effective management of the external borders of the European continent and for overcoming migration-related security problems with a view to controlling the migrant pressure on the European Union and the United Kingdom.

Minister Jenrick thanked for the support provided by the Bulgarian Prosecutor's Office to stop the organised movement of irregular migrants. He expressed his satisfaction with the close cooperation between Bulgarian and British law enforcement authorities in the fight against organised immigration crime.

In the framework of the meeting, the two sides agreed on the need for harmonized implementation of border control rules and standards and for a systematic approach to tackling cross-border crime and other forms of transnational crime in order to strengthen the European security system.