The Prosecutor's Office will enforce the law uncompromisingly in any attempt at radical actions and calls for violence

13 Октомври 2023 г.

In connection with the increased use of hate speech, including calls for radical actions based on religious and ethnic grounds, including radical Islam, disseminated in social networks, the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria declares that it will be uncompromising in exercising its powers to ensure public order and security and to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens.

In this regard, we should remind that any call for radical actions and violence and the holding of unregulated events are contrary to the Constitution and the laws of the country. The perpetrators of similar type of acts may be held criminally liable according to the provisions of Art. 164, para 1, item 1 of the Criminal Code (propagating hatred on a religious basis) and of Art. 407 of the Criminal Code (war propaganda). In this context, if evidence of criminal acts of this nature is found, the Prosecutor's Office will apply the law with all its rigor.

The local authorities jointly with the Ministry of Interior, in accordance with Meetings, Rallies and Demonstrations Act should prevent the holding of mass events that would give rise to calls for violence, radical actions, as well as those justifying the committing of terrorist acts and war crimes.