Acting Prosecutor General proposes to the Supreme Judicial Council to impose disciplinary sanctions on four prosecutors and three investigators in the “The 8th Dwarfs” case

25 Август 2023 г.

Acting Prosecutor General of the Republic of Bulgaria Borislav Sarafov sent seven proposals to the Prosecutors’ College of the Supreme Judicial Council to impose disciplinary sanctions on four prosecutors and three investigators in the “The 8th Dwarfs” case.

By order of Borislav Sarafov on 04.07.2023 a team of prosecutors from Sofia Appellate Prosecutor's Office was assigned to carry out inspection of all prosecutors’ files and pre-trial proceedings related to the case, of public interest as "The Eight Dwarfs", including checks on the correctness and legality of the decree dated 05.05.2021, refusing to initiate pre-trial proceedings.

The inspection established numerous violations of the investigators and supervising prosecutors in ensuring timely, lawful and successful investigation and collection of necessary evidence in the shortest possible time to reveal the objective truth in the pre-trial proceedings initiated at the closed Specialized Prosecutor's Office. The report of the inspection was submitted to 06 Administrative Department at the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor’s Office for an opinion on the existence of grounds for disciplinary liability under the Judicial System Act (JSA).

The inspection team concluded that the inaction (for periods between one and two years) on the part of the magistrates in seven prosecutors' files resulted in unjustified delays in the proceedings.

In view of the findings of the inspection, the Acting Prosecutor General proposes to the Prosecutors’ College of the Supreme Judicial Council to initiate disciplinary proceedings for imposition of disciplinary punishment under Art. 1, items 2-6 of the JSA against prosecutors Dilyan Deyanov, Iveta Markovic, Kiril Peychinov and Miroslav Iliev, as well as against investigators Svetlana Stoyanova - Weise, Neli Todorova and Petranka Rabadjieva.