Acting Prosecutor General Borislav Sarafov met with representatives of the Jewish community in Bulgaria

9 Август 2023 г.

Today, 08.08.2023, the acting Prosecutor General Borislav Sarafov and Deputy Prosecutor General Maria Pavlova, met with representatives of the Jewish community in Bulgaria at the Palace of justice in Sofia. Prof. Dr. Alexander Oscar – President of the Organization of the Jews in Bulgaria “Shalom”, Maksim Delchev – Chairman of  the Central Israeli Spiritual Council, Julia Dandolova – CEO of „Shalom“, Eli Anavi, Chairman of „Shalom“ Sofia, Dr. Alina Levi, Chairperson of „Bet Shalom“ foundation, Leonid Hazdai, Chairman of the regional organization of the Jews „Shalom“ – Dupnitsa, Nikolay Galabov, Chairman of the Zionist Federation, Robert Jerasi, Chairman of the National Council of Religious Communities in Bulgaria, Victor Malamed, Chairman of the American Jewish Community in Bulgaria, Assoc. Prof. Todor Chobanov, Chairman of „Negev“ organization, Mihailina Pavlova, Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper “Evreiski Vesti”, took part in the conversation.

The guests familiarized the leadership of the Prosecutor's Office with information collected by them about manifestations of anti-Semitism, xenophobia and homophobia, hate speech, aggressive behavior and other undemocratic practices focused on groups of Bulgarian society, which have become more frequent in the last two years.

The President of the Organization of Jews in Bulgaria „Shalom“, pointed out that in many European countries such extremist manifestations have been long criminalized, and the protection of democratic values should be a common priority of institutions and civil society.

In the course of the conversation, the Prosecutor General stressed the commitment of the Prosecutor's Office to countering hate crimes and cutting off attempts at anti-democratic manifestations that threaten the security and freedom of expression of every citizen.

Borislav Sarafov assured that the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria will continue to make active efforts to counteract anti-Semitism and xenophobia and to prevent anti-democratic manifestations in society.