Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev will present the progress of PORB in the investigation of high level corruption cases to the European Parliament

12 Юни 2023 г.

The Prosecutor General of the Republic of Bulgaria, Ivan Geshev, will be on a working visit to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, on 13 and 14 June 2023. The visit is by invitation to the Prosecutor General to participate in an extraordinary meeting of the LIBE Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group (DRFMG) of the European Parliament.

At the request of the MEPs, Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev will present to the Monitoring Group the progress achieved by PORB in investigating corruption cases at "highest levels" of power, as well as specific cases of interest  the so- called “Barcelonagate” and “Gold Bars” cases.

Representatives of GRECO - the Group of States against Corruption at the Council of Europe, which monitors the practices of counteracting and uncovering corruption crimes at the "highest levels" of power, are also expected to take part in the meeting.

Working meetings of the Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev with members of the European Parliament are scheduled for 14 June 2023.