Acting Prosecutor General Borislav Sarafov took part in Conference Restoration of Justice organized by the Office of the President of Ukraine

20 September 2024

Acting Prosecutor General of the Republic of Bulgaria Borislav Sarafov participated in an international conference on "Restoration of Justice", which is part of the events that followed the summit initiated by the Ukrainian country and the First Peace Formula. The event, which took place online, was organized by the office of the President of Ukraine and was opened with speeches by the Head of the Office of Volodymyr Zelenskyy - Andriy Yermak, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin and the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Karim Khan. Representatives of 60 countries and organizations, partners of Ukraine, participated in the discussion. 

A general opinion was expressed about the need to hold the representatives of the Russian Federation, and especially its leadership, accountable for the violations of international law committed in and against Ukraine, as well as human rights violations. The Russian state leadership should bear the consequences for its illegal actions, including by paying reparations for damages caused by the invasion of Russian troops in Ukraine.

The participants in the forum adopted a Communique reaffirming their commitment to support efforts to prosecute and bring perpetrators of war crimes to justice before the International Criminal Court. "All people around the world seek and demand justice, and the Ukrainian people have an unconditional right to justice and protection of the law", stated Karim Khan, Chief Prosecutor of the ICC.

The Ukrainian side highlighted the importance of implementing the Register of Damage for Ukraine as part of a comprehensive international mechanism for reparations to be paid by violators of international law. It is planned to establish a Damage Commission, which will begin its active activity in 2026.