Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office appealed the Decision of the Sofia City Court that rejected the removal of the BNU – Edelweiss

4 March 2021

The Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office appealed the decision of the Sofia City Court dated 16.02.2021 pursuant of which is stated a rejection of the removal form the registry of the non-profit association BNU – Edelweiss in accordance with Art. 13 (1),point 3b of the Non-profit legal entities Act, in relation to Art.44 (2), including four, seven and ten of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria and in relation to Ar. 30(1), sentence 1 of the Non-profit legal entities Act.

Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office believes that the activity of the BNU-Edelweiss is unconstitutional, in contradiction with the declared within the Statue, and the targets and the activity itself is used for concealing the actual targeted activity aiming to fuel racial, ethnical and religious hatred and the Court failed to achieve a good comparison between the content of the Statue and the activity in practice of the Party.

It is expected to be announced the date for the examination of the case at second instance.